Pozor na nesmrteľné jeleňe!
Štvrtok 03. Decembra 2015
Autor: Feelip

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Pozor na nesmrteľné jeleňe!

Takýto pohľad sa naozaj nenaskytne každý deň. Policajný strážnik Pittaluga z amerického Kentucky mal tú možnosť zažiť si, aké je to zraziť sa s poriadne namakaným jeleňom. Zviera mu totiž pekne spravilo trojitého axla cez kapotu, a potom sa postavilo a nenápadne odkráčalo.

Deer Collision

Over the weekend, Officer Pittaluga encountered a large deer while driving on Decoursey Pike through Visalia. The encounter was less than cordial and ended as abruptly as it began. We think this video is a pretty good training video on how to react when a four-legged furry friend attempts to abruptly cross your path. Officer Pittaluga applied his brakes and steered away from the deer in a controlled manner. Although he didn't manage to avoid the collision, he did maintain control of his vehicle throughout the entire incident, even when the large (but apparently agile and acrobatically trained) deer was performing a Triple Axel over the hood of his cruiser. Our officer was unharmed but the cruiser did sustain some damage. As for the deer, he appeared to brush off the incident before quickly running away into the woods. We did place a call to Santa just to be sure this deer didn't belong to him (we would hate to end up on the naughty list). He was quick to point out that he employs reindeer and that, although this deer did appear to fly, it was not a reindeer (we still aren't clear whether we will be making the nice list or not).

Posted by Kenton County Police Department on Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Článok označený tagmi: jeleň polícia zrážka


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